Helping you navigate through the process of applying to physiotherapy school in Canada. We’ll help you understand everything you need to know to become a successful candidate for the physiotherapy school of your choice. What are you waiting for?

Where are you in your journey?

High School Student

Are you a high school student? Do you want to learn how to become a physiotherapist? Do you want to learn about the different paths to get there? Then check out the resources below.


What's the best undergrad major for PT

What courses should you take in undergrad

Where and how to gain volunteer experience

Undergraduate Student

Are you currently an undergraduate student trying to figure out how to get into physiotherapy school? Whether you’re early in your undergrad degree or you’re ready to apply on the next admission cycle, we got you covered. Check out the resources below.

What courses should you take in undergrad

PT School requirements

Application preparation

Mature Student

Have you been out of school for a while? Are you looking for a second career? Then check out the resources below.



Is PT the right career for you?

Starting physio school as a mature student

How to apply to PT school as a mature student

We’ll show you the roadmap to PT school







About Us


We were once like you, students trying to figure out what career path to choose and how to get there. At some point we chose to pursue a career in physiotherapy and one problem every student goes through is trying to find reliable information on how to become a physiotherapist. It’s been a problem for every prospective applicant until now. We decided we wanted to build a resource that teaches prospective physiotherapists about the profession and what you need to do to become a great candidate to get into physiotherapy schools in Canada. 

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Our Mission

Our mission at is to help prospective students gain greater clarity and understanding of the path to becoming a physiotherapist in order to gain admission into physiotherapy programs in Canada.


Our Vision

Our vision is to help students interested in pursuing physiotherapy become better candidates for admission by providing guidance, mentorship, and the tools to become successful applicants into physiotherapy programs in Canada.

The PhysioSchool Blog

5 Things To Keep In Mind Throughout Physio School

5 Things To Keep In Mind Throughout Physio School

Getting through physiotherapy school is tough. Between studying for finals, practicing for OSCEs, performing well on clinical placements, and doing your best to maintain a solid work-life balance, the 2-year professional Master’s program can sometimes get the very...

Getting My Acceptance Letter to Physiotherapy School

Getting My Acceptance Letter to Physiotherapy School

The experience of receiving my acceptance letter could be made into a movie. It would have an extremely niche market and would not break any box office records, but it was a ridiculous time in my life nonetheless. I was backpacking in Europe with my girlfriend. A few...

Let’s Learn Together!

Our group of admissions experts have written articles to help you plan your journey to gaining acceptance into physiotherapy school. Browse through our catalogue of blog posts and articles to find answers to questions you may have and learn how you can become an ideal candidate for physiotherapy programs in Canada.

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