Welcome to The PhysioSchool Podcast – your guide to becoming a physiotherapist.
In this episode, we kick off our Physio School Faculty Series with Dr. Scotty Butcher. Scotty is a physiotherapist and professor in the School of Rehabilitation at the University of Saskatchewan.
During our discussion with Scotty, we discuss the following:
- Scotty’s path to becoming a physiotherapist and a professor
- A brief overview of the physio program at U of S
- What makes the physio program at U of S unique
- Tips for anyone applying to the physio program at U of S
- How Scotty’s managed to incorporate strength and conditioning within the physio program at U of S
- Scotty’s clinical and research interests
- Scotty’s advice for individuals who plan on pursuing both physiotherapy and academia
- Scotty’s various entrepreneurial endeavours
Where you can find out more about Scotty:
- Amplify: https://www.amplifyrehab.ca/amplify-team
- The Stoic Tiger: https://www.instagram.com/thestoictiger/?hl=en
- University of Saskatchewan: https://rehabscience.usask.ca/people/faculty-profiles/scotty-butcher.php
- Main Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thestrengthjedi/?hl=en
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- PT Interview Booster: https://courses.physioschool.ca/interviewbooster
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